You don't know what words mean, do you?
For those of you keeping score I finally went to the doctor on monday so I've been on anti-biotics for three days now and I'm just starting to feel a little better than worthless. Though, running t

The good news: I've started tivo-ing Matlock and it still utterly dominates my attention span. (It's still not on DVD. That's a double what-the-fuck) I still have the uncanny ability to spot the murderer on pure intuition. (Yes, Jospeh, it was the nerdy guy with the glasses. I'm never wrong) One thing does annoy me. When Matlock starts doing his thing in the courtroom where he questions a witness on some other, seemingly unrelated subject, the prosecuter always objects, citing some bullshit about proper courtroom procedure. Haven't they tried enough cases against Matlock to know that he's about to unveil the real killer? Dumbass. LET THE MAN DO HIS THING.
Matlock is my new dad.
For those keeping score, ugly Tyler totally destroys handsome Tyler.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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